The Light Gift - A Messiah Manger Storybook
This Christmas, follow the story of Leora (whose name means 'Bringer of Light' in Hebrew), a young shepherdess living near Bethlehem. As Leora journeys to meet her father and sisters in the hills with their sheep, she’s given a list of items to pick up on the way and a piece of wisdom from her mother: “Stay on the way and treat everyone as you would the coming King.”
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Please note:
- These are standalone copies of The Light Gift. The Messiah Manger and The Light Gift can be bundled together for a combined savings here.
- The Messiah manger can also be ordered as a standalone here.
- You can download the free printable colouring pages here.
Leora must hurry through her tasks because her very own sheep is expecting a little lamb and she doesn’t want to miss its birth - but along her way, she finds people who need a bit of time, kindness, and help from her.
A story of kindness, gratitude, and joy, this winsome Christmas children’s book is suitable for all ages and may just become a new Advent tradition and favourite in your family.
The Light Gift features hand-painted illustrations, delightful details, and a powerful life-transforming message. Every page is produced in beautiful watercolour paint and is printed on high-quality heavy gloss paper.
Reminiscent of old children’s classics, The Light Gift also features margin artwork that tells a separate story - the tale of the Holy Family’s journey to Bethlehem - and a little treasure hunt for adults and kids alike: hidden in every page is a hedgehog (native to the Middle East) that can be found as you read through the story.
We hope this book will become a new family favourite for you this Christmas, and will reflect and emphasize the traditions of The Messiah Manger, inviting the spirit of giving and gratitude into your home.
A peek at the full story (spoilers!):
Leora, a young shepherdess girl, leaves her mother to go visit her father and sisters who are taking care of the sheep in the hills, but she must pick up a number of items for her father along the way. Leora needs to hurry because her favourite sheep is having a lamb soon and she doesn't want to miss it.
Along the way, while completing the tasks, she stops and helps those in need, despite her hurry, because she hears in her heart the song of "Stay on the way, and treat everyone as you would the Coming King."
She makes her way to the hills, with all the things she needed to pick up, but she’s too late: her little lamb has already come.
Leora and her family go to sleep only to be awoken by angels. Upon hearing the good news of the arrival of the King, they hurry to the manger, where it is quite dark. Leora gives her lamp, the last thing on her list to pick up, to light the darkness. When the lamp is lit, Leora sees evidence of the acts of kindness she had done on her way; all of them had been passed on to the Holy Family on their journey to Bethlehem.
The Holy Family’s travels and reception of Leora’s kindness via the people she helps are shown in the bottom margin artwork throughout the story.
Finally, hidden in each page is a hedgehog, which are native to the Middle East, for both kids and adults alike to seek out as they read along.
Published by: The Keeping Company.
ISBN: 978-1-7380139-3-7